What do we do in a session?

Our first session begins with us sitting down together (you get to sit on the comfy couch pictured on the left) to talk about what brought you to therapy and what you hope to get from it.
Once we have established your goals for our work together, we dive right in! We typically start by moving to the art table (pictured to the right) and creating some art to capture where you at.
At the end of the session, I will give you a hand-made art card (you can see examples below) with a written activity for you to complete on your own time. I like to call it integration work. These activities are designed for you to start enacting meaningful change in your life between our meetings.

If there is anger you need to release, I may have you create a splatter painting or break some plates. If there are parts of your identity we want to understand, I may have you create a magazine collage of images that speak to you.
Depending on the art activity, we may work side by side, talk, or work in silence. Everything we do is uniquely tailored to your needs, skills, and comfort level.
After an art therapy activity, we often talk about what the process was like and what you learned, felt, released, or experienced.
In subsequent sessions, we start our sessions with a short art activity. During this time, we check in on how you are doing.
Everything we do is based on what will help you most. We may continue talking or we may move into an in-depth art therapy activity. I design art therapy activities to help you reach your goals. No session is the same because everything we do is designed specifically for you and your unique needs at the time.

During this time, I may offer you different art materials to play with while we talk. I do this to help ease any anxiety as we get to know each other. Egon, my therapy dog, will also do his best to make you feel relaxed. He loves a good snuggle, but is also happy to take a nap on his bed.